Watch Memory on PBS. See more from ART:21.
This is the first time I’ve ever sat through a full episode of Art 21, although I did watch the segment on Sugimoto a few years ago in my very first photography course. This episode features the art of Susan Rothenberg, Mike Kelley, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Josiah McElheny. I must say was rather intrigued by the artists’ use of memory in the creation of their art. Rothenberg, Kelley, and Sugimoto concentrate more on responses to their own individual memories, while McElheny seems to tap into a shared memory of the human experience. Pay particular attention to his reflective glass exhibit under the 2-way mirrors.
I enjoyed this very much, especially finding Sugimoto again as I could not remember his name after watching the video those years ago. The influence was so great that I even tried to make my own seascapes, as seen below. Feel free to discuss.
- Indian Ocean by Hiroshi Sugimoto
- Lake Superior by Rick Custer (2009)
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