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Over Thinking, Over Analyzing

“Life is just pain and piss; it’s nothing that I will miss”

– Wood Of Ypres, “Wet Leather” (2009)

I get depressed when I hear lyrics like that.  As an artist, I love life.  It’s the feelings that you need to create art, and being alive is the only way art gets created.  There’s my deep thought for the day.

I’ve delved further into Sontag’s collection of essays that makes up her book, On Photography.  I’m having a hard time really gauging her stance on photography as an art.  She does hit it on the head that photography is a special medium (I’m on the third essay and she’s made it her mission to hammer that idea home in each essay thus far), but the feelings I get from her regarding photography range from neutrality to disdain.  Sontag, having grown up during the period where photography went from being a technical hobby for the rich to having reached a critical mass among consumers, certainly offers a unique perspective on its growth as an artistic medium.

I’m still working on the “Descendants of Abraham” piece, just not actively at this point.  I guess a little bit of ingrained adult ADD set in when Sontag’s book caught my eye again.  To be fair, I’ve had the book for over a year, I am just now getting around to reading it seriously.  Also, right now, I’m spending a lot of time, where I normally would be creating, to looking at some critical theory aspects of art.

We did a unit on Saussure this past Spring in my Art History Introduction to Critical Theory course.  Saussure, of course, is considered the father of modern semiotics, i.e. the study of signs.  His American counterpart, Charles Sanders Pierce, further expounded on Saussure’s work.  There exist three categories of signs: symbol, icon, and index.  The category into which a sign is placed is dependent upon the nature of the relationship between the sign and its meaning.  This is where things start to get a little fuzzy and I’m trying to piece them together (a full 2 months after the end of the semester, no less).  It’s the index category that I’m having to most trouble sorting out.

An index is a sign that has a direct causal link to that which is signified – think of a stoplight warning sign and the actual stoplight about which you are warned – that sign is an index.  An icon is a sign that stands for an object because it resembles it, while a symbol represents an object by virtue of laws, traditions, etc. (the letters on this screen are symbols).  Where I’m having trouble with indexes is when an icon or a symbol crosses the line and becomes an index. The professor did say that the index is the most troubling aspect of semiotics, so we should not worry too hard if we don’t grasp it right away.

One of the things we were told in the class by the professor is that of all the mediums, photography is an index as the image has a direct link to what it is representing.  Let’s say, however, that we have an photograph of a Ford Mustang for an advertisement.  Does that not make the photograph an icon as it is representing a particular kind of car?  Another questionable example would be the work of Dorothea Lange during the Great Depression.  Those portraits were meant to represent the working poor during the Great Depression, in which case my understanding would place them as icons.  Where is the direct causal relationship between the sign and the signified?

Sometimes I feel like the answer is right in front of me, but when I reach out, it scurries away as if playing cat-and-mouse with my intellect.

At any rate, I will leave you with one of my own to ponder the question of semiotics.  This is an image of the main gate at the Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, NY.  In the 1980’s this US Army installation was home to the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons.  If memory serves, I believe it held just under 3,000 weapons in storage a mere 75 miles from where I grew up in Cincinnatus, NY.  The base was closed in the 1990’s under the military reductions begun under President George HW Bush and continued under President Bill Clinton.  This main gate, a few buildings around where the motor pool was located, and the enlisted housing area remain.  The enlisted housing area is occupied with residents while the area where the weapons were stored is now part of the NY State Department of Corrections.  What makes this an index rather than an icon?  There are no right or wrong answers and I look forward to having a nice discussion.

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End of June

I’m not sure where the time has gone.  One minute I’m relaxing and the next thing I know is that Summer is half over.  It’s not that I’ve been lazy as my energy has been geared more toward my activities with The Overtime Page and on my day job…  it’s just at the end of the day my creative energy seems sapped.  I’m going to have to do something about that, starting with a project I’ve been reworking using some new technique I learned about a month ago.  I’ll have that up in a few days as it is currently a work in progress.

As a quick update, I didn’t do as well this semester in the grading department as I would have liked.  I received a B- in Color Theory, an A- in Primitive Photography, and an A in Art History Critical Theory, which finished me out with term GPA of 3.447 and a cumulative GPA of 3.668 (through 2 semesters).  While that can hardly be considered a bad GPA, I would like it to be better.  Obviously the Color Theory grade was the biggest factor in straddling the A-/B+ realm.  That class was something else (long story) and I’m glad to be done with it.  I’ve promised myself that I won’t be taking any more “3rd Floor” courses (the 3rd floor is mostly reserved for the Graphic Arts program at UH), but of course we never know what opportunities may present themselves, so onward I push.  Next semester I’m going to be taking Traditional Photography (formerly known as Intermediate Photography), which is a film based course, The Aesthetics of Faith (which sounds really cool as it will be taking some Critical Theory and applying it to original creations), and Video Art (a requirement of the Photography/Digital Media program at UH).  I’m going to be a busy little bee come the end of August.

At this point I really don’t have much more to say.  I’m coming out of my creative slump so expect a lot more soon.  Have a good night, everyone, and keep tuned for updates on events as they happen.  As for now, I’ll leave you with a signature creation from this past semester.  This is a Van Dyke print of my Facebook profile photo.  I hope you enjoy.  Good night.

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Well, Well….

First off, let me apologize for not having posted since late February.  It got to be a busy time, especially with my Color Theory course, where the work pace picked up in tremendous fashion as the projects got more complicated.  My Primitive Photography and Critical Theory classes both also took a lot of time as I started noticing transformations in my thinking and work.  I’ll talk more about in later posts.  The good (bad?) news is that now I’m free for the summer and can now concentrate on my own work that develops in my mind.

On Friday I went down to the front offices for the Houston Dynamo and picked up my credentials for the season.  This also gave me the chance to head over to Rothko Chapel and finish out a roll of 120 color film that has been sitting in my 645 camera for a little over a year.  Don’t ask why, just know that it is.  I’m currently waiting to be able to pick it up from processing, which should be in about 8 hours.  On Friday I also learned of the new displays at the Menil Collection, so on Saturday I headed down there to check them out.

The first new exhibit was “The World is not My Home” by Danny Lyon.  This exhibit of photographs was meant to trace Lyon’s career as a photographer.  While all of the photographs demonstrated great composition and beautiful printing, I have a hard time recalling any of the photographs that stuck out to me.  The one that stuck out the most was “Crossing the Ohio.” This photograph shows a motorcycle rider looking backward as he moves forward into the frame.  Why is he looking back?  Is he riding to freedom?  Is he fleeing something?  The frame leaves out these details, which makes me want to know them more as I study the image in front me.  I would provide a link, but unfortunately the Menil is only showing a thumbnail version on its website.  The link to the Menil Collection website is below.

The other exhibit was the one that really captured my attention.  This was a retrospective on the drawings of Richard Serra, an American sculptor who is probably best known for his controversial work in New York City known as “Tilted Arc.” The exhibit consisted of 2 discreet units inside the museum itself.  The second unit is the one that captured my attention.  These “drawings” are large in scale and consist mainly of black paint stick on paper.  The drawings themselves are, for the most part, binary in tone (black or white), with only a few pieces in the exhbit demonstrating any sort of grayscale.

The large squares at the beginning of the exhibit seemingly transform the space around you.  When entering I felt that I was in a void (because of the black) with the white causing the walls to close in around me.  As you move through the exhibit, the shapes change in a subtle way, slowly easing off the claustrophobic effects of the white.  The shapes also seem to grow more complicated as you pass through.  It’s not so much the shape itself, but its placement and spatial harmony grow more complicated.  At the center of the exhibit one encounters a deviation from the squares in the form of circles. The circles themselves are black but are surrounded by a field of gray.  Then, as the exhibit progresses, the shapes start to become simple once again, culminating into a piece that is haunting.  The piece itself is entitled “Two Corner Cut: High, Low 2012.” It consists of a long room with a black square on each side.  Each square is set at an angle moving down from the front of the room to the back.  The back wall is white.  Here one has reached the end.  This is a new visualization of the “light at the end of the tunnel” theme.  The downard angle creates the illusion that when you are walking forward, you are ascending a ramp, even though the floor is itself even.

I spent 5 minutes in this room contemplating the journey I just completed through this exhibit to that very room.  I wanted to go back, but then realized that going back was not going to help anything.  I needed to deal with what I felt at that moment and move forward.  Where we go from here is anyone’s guess.

Of course now I had to buy the book at the Menil Bookstore ($50) but as I started reading it, I felt that this expenditure was well worth the money.

That’s it for this edition of the blog.  There are going to be a lot of updates coming as I attempt to play catchup with the posts and share my art and photography with everyone.  So to all my faithful and not-so-faithful readers – I bid you a goodnight (or good morning…  I can’t tell at this point).

Click here to visit The Menil Collection Website

New Color Theory Project

The first project for my Color Theory course was turned in about 2 weeks ago.  The instructor has promised that she will return the projects to the class on 22 Feb.  This is welcome news because I’ve been anxious to see her feedback.  At this point, however, I’ll put it out of my mind and will worry about the current project – a project in which I am behind on schedule but rapidly closing the gap.

The project core is to create a 3-dimensional color “wheel” using one of the properties of color – intensity (saturation), value (light or dark), or color temperature.  I chose value, with only 1 side of the value scale to be shown.  This is because of the size of the piece and the difficulty I would face in completing a full spectrum value scale in the time alloted.

Conceptually I wrestled with this one a little bit.  I asked myself how I could come up with a concept for a project that seemed nothing more than a technicial exercise.  I did it for the first project, but that was fluky at best.  As I was looking at my color wheel I saw the word “Primary” and then the light bulb started to illuminate my mind.  I thought of pyramids, and then went back a little further and thought of ziggurats.  Found chiefly in the Mesopotamian Valley, ziggurats were step pyramid structures that actually pre-date the pyramids (depending on who you ask, of course).  The top of the ziggurat would be home to the city temple.  These early structures were primary and are among the first architectural pieces that one will see in Art History 101.  Since the Mesopotamian Valley is considered the cradle of Western Civilization, it stands to reason that here is where the early human artists began to formulate a primary understanding of color.  I had a concept, now I just had to execute said concept (click on thumbnails for larger view).

I honestly don’t know enough about how ziggurats were built in relation to the rest of the city to really discuss.  I do know, however, they were usually dead center in the city (for better defense since the temple was the most important building in the city), so they would need to be dead center on the surface.  I borrowed from the Egyptians in that the pyramids were usually built in a careful arrangement. so I chose a north-south orientation.  Basically, we have the primaries – the primary colors coming from nothing (since white represents no color in the art world) decorating the earliest large scale structures that rise toward the heavens, the source of all color.  I think I may have gotten this one, but it will all come out in the execution.

Well, that’s it for now.  Enjoy this rare burst of productivity from me as I move full force into this project in the morning.  As for now, I need to make a list of materials and prepare to make a trip to Lowe’s in the morning.  Have a good night, everyone.

I Really Should be in Bed

But for some reason I am not.  I have a busy day ahead tomorrow as I begin to build the next project for my Color Theory course.  I’ll have more details on that one later.  For now, however, let’s stick with the photography.

In my Primitive Photography course we have done 1 project so far and that was on photograms.  Basically, a photogram is a photograph where, instead of a camera being used to capture an image, an object (or objects) is placed between the light and the photographic paper.  The paper is exposed and processed with the resilt being an image (usually a silhouette of the object) on the paper.  In short, as long as a camera was not used to create the photograph, then it can be called a photogram.  My classmates came up with some really nice photograms, which put mine to shame.  I will post them as soon as I get them back to my house for scanning.

We have moved on to a project on pinhole photography.  We were given the task of constructing a pinhole camera and testing the exposure time.  I know that part of this doesn’t sound too primitive, but pinhole photography was an extension of the camera obsure, which was widely used in medieval and Rennaissance Europe as a source of entertainment and sketching.  As I already have a pinhole optic for my Lensbaby (and the instructorsaid I could use it), I spent the day prior to class shooting up a roll of film with both the pinhole and f/19 zone plate.  I spent a good amount of time trying to fill 31 frames with photos, but in the end I think I got some good ones.  The following 2 photos are my favorites from the pinhole and zone plate categories.

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This is an example of a pinhole photograph.  One of the first things one can notice about these is the (relative) sharpness is even throughout the depth of the scene.  The straws were right up against the camera, which was in the rear half of a very large classroom.  The uniform sharpness is due to the fact that the aperture for this pinhole is f/177, which pretty much eliminates depth-of-field considerations.   Of course, with such a narrow opening, the exposure times will be long, and in this case I believe it was about 4 seconds.  I really need to remember to write these things down sometimes.

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A zone plate is basically a hole containing a set of radially symmetric rings that alternate between opaque and transparent.  These rings then cause the light to diffract (scatter), rather than refract (bend) such as is done with a lens.  The zones can be spaced as to cause the diffracted light to interfere with the focus, which in photography is often the desired application of zone plate optics.  Above is an example of a photograph taken with the zone plate optic for my Lensbaby.  While there is some detail, the focus is very blurry, especially around the edges of the elements in the photograph.  Most of the lack of detail is due to the scene being backlit, but here is was necessary to highlight the fountains.  The zone plate itself is f/19, which is a much bigger hole than the pinhole.  The exposure time on this particular photo was 1/45 of a second.

Of course, long exposures do have their issues.  In digital photography we all know that noise can build up to unacceptable levels during the course of a long exposure.  Film photography has its own issue known as reciprocity failure.  Basically, in black and white film the silver salts start to lose responsiveness during long exposures with low intensity light.  In color film the different colored layers will start to unevenly absorb the light coming in, resulting in low density negatives. One basically ends up with a very thin negative that may or may not have a latent image inside.  The image below is one example of reciprocity failure:

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Notice the very deep shadows, even after digital processing of the image in order to bring forth some whites in an attempt to salvage it.  In the initial scan the image was blue, so I left that color in place in order to highlight the issue.  On this particular roll I had 2 reciprocity failures, which is 2 more than I can ever remember having before.  This is obviously going to be an issue with a lot of students on this project, so we will see where this goes.

As for me, I’m starting to learn a little more about film.  I have to do a little more research because I would like to build a “button cam” before Tuesday, but we will see how time permits.  As for you all, I bid you goodnight.


Over time we all experience changes in our perceptions of the world.  The changes may go unnoticed, but they are there.  I’m no exception to that rule.  Here are a few photographs I took just over 3 years ago while on a trip to Los Angeles.  I initially rejected them, but my changing vision has allowed me to rethink them.  Enjoy and comment at will.

(Click on each photo to embiggen)

Just a look at some contrasting colors.

Now I’m wondering if “Three’s Company” is available on DVD.

Sunset over Southern California

On Forward We March

Ok, the semester is finally over.  I am happy to report that I received a semester GPA of 4.0 this past Fall.  Now I’m looking forward to the Spring semester as it brings forth new challenges.  For the upcoming semester I am enrolled in 3 classes – Color, Primitive Photography, and Critical Theory.  This will bring me in a total of 9 credit hours with 15 contact hours per week.  Hopefully I won’t be as frazzled through this upcoming as I was through this past semester.

At any rate, to dig into recent history just a bit, I promised I would share my final Computer Imaging project with everyone.  The theme tying these 3 compositions together was science.  Science and art, although the practitioners of each discipline think on different levels, are rather intertwined.  Art provides the imagination that makes Science possible, while Science provides the materials through which Art can be expressed.  The most pertinent evidence to support that theory exists in the fact that the 3 following images were created on a computer.  To add further depth, I tried to approach each composition in the way a more well-known artist would approach it.  Without further ado, here are the compositions:

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This is a digital portrait painting of an Ebola virus.  When we don’t really understand something, we often humanize the subject for various reasons.  With this particular composition, I attempted to humanize the virus by giving it a formal portrait.  The real irony here is that a virus is technically not a living organism.  This is the reason for the lighting and texture applied throughout the painting itself.  This painting could be a cross between a Mannerist style painting such as those done by Pantormo (elongated form and non-primary color palette) and an early Baroque as done by Caravaggio (recessional lighting and open composition).

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This particular piece was driven by the work of Barbara Kruger.  Kruger’s work centers mainly on social issues, especially the roles of women, and (in every example I’ve seen) incorporates some sort of text.  Here we have the aftermath of the nuclear age that was ushered in by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer.  Societies throughout history have had to compete with other societies for resources, be they basic (food, water) or more advanced (access to ports, oil).  War was often a method of first choice in order to seize the desired resources.  The development of nuclear weapons changed the dynamic in the way people think about war.  Nation states are now less likely to go to war with other nation states that possess a nuclear capability and more likely to negotiate to further their national interests.  People die in war, and the human tendency to violence resulting in warfare could be seen as a natural check on species overpopulation.  Since war is less prevalent between members of the “Nuclear Club,” populations have been growing, thereby causing greater strain on increasingly scarce resources.  In this composition we think of the spirit of Dr. Oppenheimer looking at his creation.  The nuclear blast acts as a camera flash, exposing the scenes of rioting, desertification, and starvation onto film.  The pointing upwards all goes back to the spirit of Dr. Oppenheimer.

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Finally we have an homage to Carlos Cruz Diez.  Cruz Diez continues to work in challenge our perceptions of color.  Going back to biology, we perceive color through the rods and cones in our retinas.  Everyone perceives color in a slightly different manner, even if those differences are not measurably apparent, because we are all unique.  The composition above takes the primary digital triad (Red, Green, Blue – aka RGB) and places white and black vertical lines over top.  As it moves from left to right, the distance between each black and white line increases by 1 pixel, causing a shift in the way the color is perceived by the individual.  Consider this your warning – the physical reverberations caused by this will make your eyes feel tired after viewing.

Anyway, so there you have it.  I’ve been experiment quite a bit with the chromatics, but have put that on hiatus until I start my Color Theory course this next semester.  At this point I’m revisiting an old project in order to make my concept more fully realized.  I will share it with everyone once I have it complete.  As for now, it’s rather late and I’m rather sleepy.  Feel free to comment and I wish everyone here a good night.


Comparing Photographs – Two Tales Told in Two Ways

Around the dawn of the 20th Century, a new generation of photographers such as Heinrich Kuhn, Alfred Stieglitz, and Edward Steichen began to challenge the paradigm of photography as a technical activity as their compositions incorporated formal elements of art and their prints began to incorporate color through the use of the gum bichromate printing process. Successive generations of photographers such as Minor White, Ansel Adams, and Jerry Uelsmann pushed the artistic boundaries of photography even further, and today photography as a process is a fully recognized artistic medium.

Along with video production, photography as a medium has benefited greatly from advances in technology. The advances have covered nearly everything to do with photography, from the camera used (wooden boxes with no mechanical shutter to medium format digital SLR cameras) all the way to how the final result is produced (traditional paper to digital frames). Photographers have available a number of different technological processes and will often combine these processes in the creation of their art. The use of formal artistic elements along with the use of light and tone are the reasons behind the success of the two photographs, both different in terms of composition, narrative, and use of technology in processing, to be examined in this paper.

The first photograph is by Jean-Francois Rauziel entitled “Coquelicots.” This chromogenic print, which measures 47-1/4” x 71” and is mounted between two pieces of glass with no border frame, features a field of French Wild Corn Poppies (coquelicots) below and a very large anvil-topped cumulonimbus cloud above. In the field of poppies are two trees separated by large space (in both depth and lateral distance). The foreground tree serves to break up the pattern created by the field of flowers and the swirls of the cloud and it provides a starting point from which one can move their eye around the composition. This same tree holds a bird cage with one bird inside it. The horizon line splits the frame in two equal pieces. As the viewer is drawn in to the depth of the horizon area, the density of the flowers is greater and the cloud gets darker, and we see evidence of an approaching gust front from the thunderstorm.

The composition of the photograph itself is a landscape/nature scene, a genre which lends itself greatly to larger prints in order to emphasize the grandeur of nature. The artist’s use of a very narrow aperture brings the entire depth of the composition into sharp focus. With this, the artist uses the background tree to create depth within the composition using linear, rather than atmospheric, perspective. The streaks of the higher cirrus clouds show the motion of the thunderstorm toward the viewer, which implies motion while keeping the exposure time short enough to avoid motion blur. The small clouds near the horizon line show a gust front, the presence of which implies fast motion toward the viewer.

Lighting is even throughout the composition, which suggests the artist had the benefit of a front-lit scene. However, this is also a chromogenic print, which also suggests that the artist was able to use dodging and burning techniques to his advantage in making the print. The mostly even lighting serves to present us with a large thunderstorm, yet it does so in a non-threatening manner. The lighting brings a large sense of benevolence to the storm, belying its violent nature. As the viewer gets to the deepest parts of the photograph, the dark base of the cloud becomes more apparent, in turn showing the viewer that there is indeed violence with this storm. As the lighting is even throughout, the color becomes important. Without the color, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the different areas over the composition as a whole.

The symmetry created in the composition is nearly perfect in the lower and upper halves. The curvilinear line of the cloud is almost perfectly matched by the line created by the cut foliage in the lower half. This represents the cycle that allows life on earth to thrive. The curved line of the cloud is unbroken and resembles a crown. This shows the artist to be acknowledging the supremacy of the storm in this cycle. The horizontal line represents the strength and stability of the earth, which must work with the fluid nature of the sky (as suggested by the waviness of some of the cirrus clouds) in order to support life. The bird in the cage, which here symbolizes all animal life, is using the vertical line of the tree to assert its position, however small, in the overall cycle represented here. This tiny element is in the tradition of French painters such as Poussin and Lorraine. In these Baroque era paintings the artists downplayed animal life (in their cases they painted actual people) by making them and their activities very small relative to landscapes painted in the scenes.

Given that the print type and the fact that the scale is very close to a 2 x 3 proportion, it is clear that this is a film photograph printed using an analog enlarger. Digital photographs printed using traditional photo paper would bear the label “Digital Chromogenic” as the print type. This is an example of how new contemporary artists are using relatively traditional technologies in order to create new art through their chosen medium.

The second photograph is by a Houston Center for Photography Master Student named Mary Riggs Romain. The photograph, entitled “Perseverance,” is part of a series called Not Myself: A Path to Transcending Trauma. This photograph is a digital inkjet black and white print measuring 22” x 28” housed inside a metal frame. The print makes the hands nearly life size. The fact that they are not gives the viewer the sense that he or she is standing close by as the scene unfolds, but not so close as to be a part of the scene at this point in the series.

The composition itself shows a pair of hands coming from a lighted area and reaching into the darker space of the foreground. A person is resting there hands just outside a lighted area and is visible through the opening. The individual elements, layered over top of each other, make this appear as if multiple exposures were used in the creation of this photograph. This idea is reinforced by the holes, which resemble sprocket holes found on 35mm film at the top of what appears to be a curtain (at the top of the composition itself). Given the 11 x 14 proportions, however, it can be inferred that this particular composition is a photo manipulation of elements photographed and/or scanned by the artist.

The focal point of this piece is the pair of hands just below center of the frame. This element is also the only element that is not a straight line, which is what makes it the focal point. The curtain at the top half of the frame contains many vertical lines and one horizontal line across its top area. The repeating vertical lines are a strong exertion of control by the dark curtain, that it has a dark purpose to it. The horizontal lines denote the strength of the curtain’s resolve in performing the task of keeping the suffering person out of view and hidden from the viewer.

The main source of light here is coming from the other side of a curtain that prevents the viewer from seeing the entire body. The curtain itself is dark and ominous, and the foreground in front of the rock on the bottom also gets darker the further it goes from the light. This use of chiaroscuro effectively creates a reverse of what one would normally expect when confronted with a series on overcoming adversity. Because of this high contrast, color is not needed as the artist wishes us to focus on the image itself. Normally many pieces of this type would involve compositions from the point-of-view of the viewer as the suffering and would be going from darkness to light. This often invites the viewer to become a participant in the piece. This particular composition, however, shows the suffering person opposite the viewer, with this person seemingly offering her hand to the viewer as an invitation to come into her world. The light denotes activity on the other side of the crawlspace.

Symmetry is achieved through the vertical. In terms of the horizontal, however, the composition is asymmetric. The frame is split evenly along the horizontal axis by a dark horizontal line. This line serves to create the effect that the viewer is observing through a window. While the viewer can make up their own mind as to where he or she is while these events unfold, it is clear that, according to the artist, the viewer is the one in the dark.

This particular piece is part of a larger series by the artist. Unfortunately the larger body of work is not currently available so the context of this piece cannot be fully appreciated. Unlike the photograph by Rauziel, who was reacting to his environment, Romain selected individual elements to add to a base in order to build up the final composition. The sprocket holes along the top of the frame provide the only evidence of the source of any of the elements. It is not unreasonable to infer that the source elements are a mixture of analog and digital.

Today there are many artists that manipulate different selected elements from many sources to create new compositions. The most famous of these contemporaries are Jerry Uelsmann and his wife, Maggie Taylor. Uelsmann creates all of his surreal compositions using strictly traditional film and darkroom methods while Taylor creates all of her work digitally. Ramain’s photograph is also reminiscent of the work of Man Ray, who was a big influence on Jerry Uelsmann.

In terms of personal reactions, each photograph elicits a different response from this author. With Rauziel one almost feels as if they are standing outside in a field of coquelicot flowers watching an approaching storm. The only thing that keeps that perception from becoming the actual reality is the fact that Rauziel stopped at nearly 4’ x 6’ in terms of size with this print. In Ramain’s “Perseverance” there is both a darkness and insidious force at work. While the narrative, as seen by this author, is one of the suffering person trying to bring another into her world (where the viewer is actually the one in the dark), there also exists the possibility that narrative put forth by Ramain is that of the viewer being the one in suffering while the hand is the viewer’s only link and way back to the world of light. It would be necessary to study the entire series to know which of these competing narratives is correct.

John Szarkowski describes the five “interdependent aspects of a singular problem” (Szarkowski 3) when it comes to photography in his book The Photographer’s Eye. These problems are: The Thing Itself (presenting reality as it is found), The Detail (the question of why something is the way it is), The Frame (inclusion and exclusion from the photograph), Time (the slice of time in which the photograph was made), and Vantage Point (the view of the subject). A successful photograph solves one or more of these issues. In “Coquelicots,” Rauziel solves the problem of The Thing Itself by presenting the reality he has found, but also addresses the question of The Detail as a narrative is being formed with the imminent approach of the storm. Although the photograph is stop motion, we get a sense of time from this work as the motion implied by the clouds and gust front address the issue of Time. As this photograph addresses three of the issues, it succeeds on many levels with many different viewers. “Perseverance” is a typical example of The Detail as this, being part of a series, furthers the narrative the artist has created. Even when taken alone, we ask ourselves the question of what could be on the other side of the curtain or why the hands are even present.

Both photographs tell very different narratives. One projects the grandeur and majesty of nature and the circle of life while the other invites the viewer into the world of someone dealing with a traumatic event. In both cases the formal elements of line use and lighting serve to advance the goals of the artist. In the case of “Coquelicots,” the artist uses linear perspective created by a very deep depth-of-field and as well as the large scale of the print in order to achieve success. In “Perseverance,” the artist uses chiaroscuro to create the darkness and light of two very different worlds both inside a single frame. Both also use very different technological processes to produce the final results, which is one of the benefits enjoyed almost exclusively by photographic artists today.

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I can’t believe it’s December already.  The past 45 days have gone by in a blur.  At this point I am looking forward to relaxing (relatively, I still have to feed myself and keep the net and lights on) and preparing for the next semester.  Oh yeah, and the stretch run of the NFL season (GO TEXANS!!  9-3 as of Week 13).  The semester for UH is over for me and next week I have 2 final exams at Lonestar.  This should prove to by my last semester at Lonestar (unless I choose to complete an AA degree, but that probably won’t be necessary).

I do have some final project images to share.  I think with this entry I will show you my Fundamentals of Digital Photography photos, since I kinda held back on showing those outside of class this semester.  I put this together as if a child was telling a story with pictures.  Honestly, the group was rather eclectic and I needed a unifying theme.  Click on each individual picture to embiggen:

This is a story I made with my camera.

This is me. I’m fat.

This is my wife. She’s pretty :-).

We met in a parking lot in San Antonio. That’s in Texas.

We now live in Houston. That’s also in Texas.

This is us together. She’s shorter than me.

Sometimes we like to go to concerts. This is when we saw Judas Priest.

I’m currently in school learning how to make nice pictures.

This is my friend Skip. He plays the saxophone and likes to tell interesting stories.

Sometimes when we go to the park, I see this scultpure and imagine that it is a powerful monster.

And that was my final project for my photography class.  The individual pictures were to be taken from the best of our work over the semester.  While the professor didn’t set any rules as to how it should be presented, I did want a theme.  I should be getting grades back any day so I will keep you posted on that.

This class, honestly, was a great experience.  I wasn’t sure how much I was going to learn given it was fundamentals course.  When the instructor introduced us to a book called “The Photographer’s Eye,” things changed rather quickly and a new dimension was added into my thinking when looking through the viewfinder.  I can see my growth through the semester, and I hope you can as well.
Comment at will.


It’s Almost November

Again we start rolling around to another month and I haven’t posted any updates. So, here goes with the latest adventure in Rick’s Picture Corner.

As you all have probably noticed lately, a lot of these posts have been focusing on works created in Photoshop. This is primarily due to my work in one of my classes (Computer Imaging) in which I am working almost exclusively in Photoshop CS5 to create the works for class. Don’t forget, these are pictures, too. I’m still shooting, but a lot of my time with my camera has been taken up by my Fundamentals of Digital Photography class, and most of the work done there thus far has been technical in nature (such as shooting equivalent exposures, etc.). In the most previous assignment and in the upcoming assignment I had license to be creative, and I will share the results with you on those very soon. But as such – on to the artwork at hand.

The self-portrait project received a grade of 90… just barely ‘A’ category. I was told that the kidney stone narrative was my weakest due to the use of filters. I’m actually interested to know how the break down of the because the only thing we received was a strip (I’m not joking) of paper with a grade and a quick comment. At this point I am not sure how much I was dinged by the use of the filter, even though I offered a valid defense as to why I used it. I suppose I could just ask her, but I’ll probably just let it go.

The project we just completed for the class was to incorporate text in 2 ways – in the first piece we were to make a poster, flyer, etc for an event, with the only caveat being that it had to be entirely fictional. Oh, and we were supposed to emphasize art over commerce (whatever that means). The second piece was to be a purely fine art piece incorporating text in some way. It was on this second piece where things got a little tricky.

For my first piece I came up with the following:

Click to Embiggen

This, as you can tell, was for a fictional Fine Art Photography auction.  This was a pretty straightforward composition.  I used the lens photograph as the dominant element to draw the viewer in to the composition.  The reflection in the glass pushes the eye out to the main text.  Once the person finishes reading the main text, he or she is transported to the bottom, where the eye seems to naturally flow with the text and photographs.  The white border simulates a window mat (standard mounting for photographs) with signatures from John and Jane Q. Artist at the bottom of the window. I placed white borders around the individual photos at the bottom to simulate window mats there as well.

Now, the second composition was a little more difficult, but this is what I turned in:

Click to Embiggen

This particular piece drew some quick visceral reactions from some of my classmates (I could see the looks on their faces).  I won’t get into the why, but I can (and did) defend every artistic decision I made with this piece.  I had a few questions on the choices I made with the text, especially regarding the text above the gun.  I defended each choice and the person asking seemed satisfied with the answer given, except toward the end.  One particular person seemed to get a little nit-picky about different elements and I shot each statement and question back with a defense.  Her neighbor chimed in with a subtle just let it go statement and the professor finally made the final statement regarding this piece.   Feel free to comment as you like – the only thing I ask is that if a discussion develops, keep it respectful.

Well, that’s it for tonight, folks.  The point of this entry was to share my recent work with you all.  The days are getting busier as we start heading into Week 10 at UH and Week 9 at Lonestar, which means I’m over halfway to the end of the semester.  I do have more to talk about, but that will have to wait another 24 hours.  To all my faithful and not so faithful readers – I bid you goodnight.

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