… is already in Week 3. We hit the ground running with our morning professor. I’ll get into the breakdown of how things are working in another post.
Just know that portraiture is out of my comfort zone when it comes to photography. I guess it’s just because I’ve never really tried all that hard with it. Well, it would fit that our morning professor has given us Portraiture as our in-depth study topic regarding photography this semester. The first project, which is due for me in about 3.5 hours, was to be a study of the human form.
This study is a self-portraiture series using a flashlight to shine a hard light on my body to highlight specific areas. The images chosen focus on my head and facial area. To be perfectly honest, I’m a little emotional over seeing how these played out and I’m actually evaluating why that is in my mind.
But enough of that, here is my first project. Please leave feedback when you can.
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